Our management

Anja Morgan


Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning (BUrb&EnvPlan)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Registered planner (Planning Institute of Australia)


“I completed my Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning from Griffith University in 2013.

During years 2014-2017, I worked as a town planner in the telecommunication industry and in private practices working in the Greater Sydney Area. My role included working on Optus projects, large commercial developments for Dan Murphy’s and smaller commercial work for Westpac and St George banks.

In 2017, I was recruited to NSW’s Department of Planning and Environment where I took on the role of planning policy officer. In this role, I worked on housing initiatives including legislative amendments to State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) and new legislative policies such as the Short-term Rental Accommodation. During this time, I also commenced my Master of Business Administration course in 2018.

I continued working for the Department of Planning and Environment (now Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment) until April 2019 after which I started Easton Planning Consultants.

In February 2020, I completed Master of Business Administration from RMIT Melbourne.

I am very active as a community member. In 2019, I was appointed as a board member of Rose Bay Land Reserve which I continue to serve on”.